Monday, February 25, 2008

What Love Has

"Love does not want what it does not have". That stirs up questions, thoughts, emotions, responses ... and challenges my thinking. Here's where I'm at - or think I'm at - with that right now.

Initially I turned it toward myself and starting thinking about some of my wants. The "illegitimate" ones like ... a different camper, new dining room furniture, a sunny vacation. Then the "legitimate" wants like peace, healing, harmony in my relationships, and children that will have a lifelong relationship with God. Then, I realized the verse, unlike the 10 commandments, does not say Thou shalt not want what thou does not have ... but Love does not want what love does not have. What's the difference? In 1 John 4:8 and 16, it says God is Love. That changes how I look at it. God does not want what God does not have.

So what does God/Love have?
I've got to sit with that one a bit. I'll let you know what I hear as the week progresses. If you join me in asking this question, I'd be interested in hearing what responses you're getting.

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