I usually find it difficult to articulate what I am passionate about. Of course, there are a number of issues, situations and people that I could say I'm passionate about, but to me passion is a larger concept. It's more about what drives me. Even what defines me.
Not that long ago I was asked to share about what I'm passionate about right now. Luckily for me, I was given some time to process the question. So I started reflecting on the question ... looking through my journal, looking for some patterns in my life, and asking Jesus about it.
It seemed to boil down to an unlikely word: sanctuary. Unusual as the word is, it seemed to fit. To me, sanctuary means a holy place, a safe place, a place where God is to be found. And I can go to a sanctuary. But I can also make a sanctuary, or even be a sanctuary.
As I held that word up to various areas of my life, most specifically to my relationships, my work, my home, as well as personally, I realized that this is really my passion. To have, be, make and go to a sanctuary: a place of refuge; a holy place. And I believe God made me to be passionate about sanctuary - and all that it means for me.
What if we each asked God what he would identify as our passion?
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