Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reflections on Being Prayed For

In the last 6 months, I have experienced a level of busyness very different from what I've been used to for the last number of years. I went back to teaching half time after being away from it for 7 years. And our family is building a house, with the move coming up shortly. All of this introduces a high level of chaos and stress into my routinely structured and peaceful lifestyle!

About 2 weeks ago, I was sharing where I was at with a friend. It was a disjointed, emotional tale. When I was through, she held my hand and prayed. I opened myself to receiving the prayer, tucking away words, phrases, scripture and feelings into my heart. Just yesterday this same friend checked in with me about how things are going, and mentioned that she has been regularly echoing those prayers of 2 weeks ago.

I reflected on the past 2 weeks. They have probably been the busiest I've had in a long time and there were certainly moments of tension and even a meltdown or two, but looking at that time frame through a lens of having been supported in prayer throughout it, I recognized God's hand on me and my family.

We don't always have the privilege of knowing when someone has been praying for us. But what if we lived today thinking that someone is or has been praying for us? How would that affect how we reflect on our days? Can we be so desperate for prayer that we're willing to believe that somewhere, someone, at some time has covered us in prayer? And can we be and do that for another?


Andrea said...

Cool! For some reason I often feel shocked when someone tells me they have been praying for me too. you mean someone is thinking about me??!! It always makes me feel so honoured. I wish you continual pockets of rest and peace in the next weeks to come. hang in there.

Sawatzky family said...

Hello there...followed you here from the Hands on Blog. Wonderful post. I am a huge believer in the power of prayer especially when we use to help carry the burdens of others to the Lord. He is always so faithful to answer.