Saturday, February 23, 2008


Today, the invitation is to REST!!! Yahoo...except I was up at 6, driving to Steinbach by 7 to lead a workshop I was a little nervous about :( Rest?
Well the trip to Steinbach was a complete gift. First, I saw the sun come was massive and bright orange...breathtaking!
Yesterday I was driving with some folks from B.C. As we drove he just marveled at the vastness of the prairie in winter...beautiful he said!! I looked around with his eyes, trying to take my "I'm sick and tired of winter and I don't see anything beautiful about it" eyes off for a minute...and he was right...I was just thinking about what I wished I had, not grateful for what I do have (oops I'm getting ahead of myself...more on that tomorrow in worship!)

Anyway, what i meant to say was...the ride to Steinbach was restful and beautiful as I was able to take in the VAST love of God...the purity and beauty of the white snow, and even the cold that suddenly became the persevering character of God. Everything felt like it was just reflecting the awesome, kind nature of the God I follow! How lucky! How restful!!


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