Friday, February 29, 2008

Love Has Completeness

Reading through to the end of 1 Corinthians 13, I was struck by the words in verse 10 about the Complete. That is God; that is Love. Looking up the word "complete" in the dictionary, I found it to mean "having all necessary parts, elements, or steps ... highly proficient ...fully carried out". So what does Love (God) have? Everything. Completeness and wholeness. And what is not complete Love/God does not have, and does not want.

Before I could get too far down the path of thinking "well, I guess then he wouldn't want me, because I'm far from complete and whole", my eye was drawn to the rest of the verse. When the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled. When we call to him, he will answer (Jeremiah 33:3). He arrives. That's some Good News!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sure, Why Not?

I read the suggested scripture story yesterday, and just have to chuckle at the disciples' flippant response to Jesus' question that is essentially "will you follow me".

Is "sure, why not?" enough of a response? If I give such a quick answer to that question, am I really committing myself to the whole deal? Or am I missing the deeper question, as it seems James and John obviously were, and giving the quick answer in hopes to get the benefits and rewards that I'm after?


Monday, February 25, 2008

Frenzied Encounters with Mr. Internet

Last Monday, I fasted from …(drum roll)…online shopping & emailing! When I asked Jesus why online shopping, I felt he said, “It puts you into a frenzy, it drains you, and it leaves you thirsty for more and more deals. It’s not that I don’t want to bless you in this way, but it brings out the want-monster in you. If you do shop, I want it to be from a place that doesn’t so easily become off-centered! Your email habits do this to you as well (Ouch!)…Emailing needs to come out of a centering with me that is stable.”

I felt like Jesus has been prying my fingers off of how much time I spend on the net. Last Monday was very restful for me. The gift he gave me was peace & rest in exchange for my usual frenzied online shopping/emailing. It was sobering to realize how much peace I can sacrifice when searching for all my ‘wants’!


What Love Has

"Love does not want what it does not have". That stirs up questions, thoughts, emotions, responses ... and challenges my thinking. Here's where I'm at - or think I'm at - with that right now.

Initially I turned it toward myself and starting thinking about some of my wants. The "illegitimate" ones like ... a different camper, new dining room furniture, a sunny vacation. Then the "legitimate" wants like peace, healing, harmony in my relationships, and children that will have a lifelong relationship with God. Then, I realized the verse, unlike the 10 commandments, does not say Thou shalt not want what thou does not have ... but Love does not want what love does not have. What's the difference? In 1 John 4:8 and 16, it says God is Love. That changes how I look at it. God does not want what God does not have.

So what does God/Love have?
I've got to sit with that one a bit. I'll let you know what I hear as the week progresses. If you join me in asking this question, I'd be interested in hearing what responses you're getting.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Today, the invitation is to REST!!! Yahoo...except I was up at 6, driving to Steinbach by 7 to lead a workshop I was a little nervous about :( Rest?
Well the trip to Steinbach was a complete gift. First, I saw the sun come was massive and bright orange...breathtaking!
Yesterday I was driving with some folks from B.C. As we drove he just marveled at the vastness of the prairie in winter...beautiful he said!! I looked around with his eyes, trying to take my "I'm sick and tired of winter and I don't see anything beautiful about it" eyes off for a minute...and he was right...I was just thinking about what I wished I had, not grateful for what I do have (oops I'm getting ahead of myself...more on that tomorrow in worship!)

Anyway, what i meant to say was...the ride to Steinbach was restful and beautiful as I was able to take in the VAST love of God...the purity and beauty of the white snow, and even the cold that suddenly became the persevering character of God. Everything felt like it was just reflecting the awesome, kind nature of the God I follow! How lucky! How restful!!


Friday, February 22, 2008

Simple but not easy

Asking Jesus today to show me how he wants me to follow him felt a little scary. Like asking for an action plan without knowing the assignment first. My reflection on this came sandwiched between a couple of significant moments in my day. I started the day in a bit of a frenzy. I don't know, I guess I just left too much to do in the morning before everybody had to be out the door at roughly the same time. So I fired off a quick email to a friend asking for some prayer coverage for my day, in hopes that a joint effort might bring a bit of calm into what I knew was going to be a fast-paced day.

I had a few moments throughout the day to ask this question, and wait on the response. What I got was "it's not complicated, but it's not necessarily easy". The following him part. There really was no clear picture this time, but a sense that trust is key. Trusting God, and trusting others. Hmmm ... independent me has a hard time with that sometimes.

When I got home, there was an email response from my friend. She shared a verse from Nehemiah 8:10 and it says the joy of the Lord is your strength. I sat with it a bit. Turned back a page in my journal and remembered the words of joy in Jesus' love song to me. That's my strength. I've heard those words before, but I understood them in a new way this evening. Trust God. Sounds simple but not necessarily easy. I guess that's what following him looks like for me right now.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What to release?

Today's question...what to release???? A while ago a trusted intercessor (which is just a fancy word for someone who knocks on God's door for others through prayer) gave me a word. "Darlene, it's time to lay it down." Lay what down, I asked? That's further instruction, just that it was time to lay it down, or release it. I must admit it created anxiety at first, simply because I wasn't sure what 'IT' was. And I really wanted to know! So that took me on a long, good journey of releasing. There ended up being one big thing I needed to lay down, which I won't go into today, but it's something I could do every day and there would be something I'm sure!! At the top of the list often are...control, fear,envy, insecurity, my way...the list could go on. They have insidious ways of getting into my heart and mind and what's worse, they can almost go undetected because they're not always blaring in my face. They just seep below the surface.

I've felt quite sick this winter...a record number of colds, the flu, etc. I'm tired of not feeling well. Today, when I prayed and asked God what I need to release, what I hear is to release the DEMAND to be better. It's not that it's wrong to pray for my body to feel well - I'm doing that!! And I get the green light to keep doing that. It's the "virus" in me that DEMANDS life to go my way, and the destructive anger that rises when it's not happening the way I want it to. "If I'm not better then everyone's going to be miserable, because I'm miserable" (sorry family!). So...I give up my demand to feel well and the behaviour it produces.



Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Love Song 2

Candice's post...

During the first few days after the birth of each of my boys, I "composed" a simple love song for each of them. Every night that we have been together for the past 7 and 9 1/2 years, I have sung what they call their "special song" to them. If I'm not the one to tuck them into bed, they always ask for me to come up and sing their "special song". I never get tired of singing it. I am always so glad they ask.

That was Jesus' response when I asked what his love song for me was. "I'm so glad you asked". Below are some of the words in his song to me. And just as I have a special song for each of my children, he has a special song for each of us.

When I look at you, I smile.
I dance to the beat of your heart.

I created you with such care
You are the delight of my heart.

I love it when you call my name
I am nearer than your next heartbeat.

I love looking into your eyes
And sharing the treasures of heaven with you.

Love Songs

The question in the journal for today asks what Jesus' love song to me would be about?
It's not a very comfortable thing to ponder...seems a little presumptuous to think Jesus would sing a love song to ME! It's kind of like when someone asks you to share your strengths. Ask me to share my weaknesses and I'll talk for a long time, but my strengths...I don't know if I should be able to share that so confidently.

I think that must make Jesus just a little sad....he's singin' all these great little love songs, but no one can accept them? or share them? we falsely think THAT would be prideful...but no....when Jesus sings a love song...then by golly, it's a good one...not just one of those cheesy, schmaltzy ones!!

So can I share the words Jesus would/did use in a love song to me??? (you'll have to imagine the tune)

I conceived you in love.
Never an impulse or an after thought...a mistake.
I conceived you in love

My thoughts about you fill my heart, and overflow. You're my delight.
I look at you and smile
I'm not disappointed, no not disappointed.

Come and find yourself in my love.
Let's get lost in that love together.
You'll not be disappointed, you'll not regret...
My heart gets filled with you...daughter of mine....
and so let me fill you too!

end of song!

Two lines really hit me. First, that I was conceived in love...not sure why, but that really hits me.
And...lately he keeps saying he's not disappointed. I can't figure this one out for the life of me because believe me, there's plenty I THINK to be disappointed about. But HIs love seems to be blind to all that! What a great love!

That's it for now!


Monday, February 18, 2008

First Fast

I have been eager to fast with the Seeds community, and I admit I'm a bit curious as to who else has chosen to fast today. I am a fairly inexperienced faster, but as I think about what it's been like for me in the past, I can identify how God filled the space I created by fasting. During one fast, I was surprised by the depth and intensity of emotions I experienced. And during another, I was blessed with the opportunity to discuss fasting with my kids. And today, though they are not joining me in the fast, they accept it as perfectly normal.
Today is an interesting day for me to fast. Typical Mondays find me at home alone, going about my household routines while the rest of my family is at school and work. Today we're all home. As I've been asking Jesus the question "what do I need to lay down to get closer to you", I keep being impressed by how bound I can be by my own needs for routine and order, to the point of being rigid about it. Now I don't think I can throw all my structure and routine out the window, but I am being reminded to be flexible, patient and to be open to "what's next". And while my kids are teaching me this (yes, I've been listening the last few Sundays!) it's also like Jesus is reminding me to be flexible and recognize his movement in my day as well.