Who doesn't love to receive? And how do we receive? Do we receive graciously and humbly, acknowledging the giver's good intentions? Or do we scramble to reciprocate the gift, or defer gratitude with comments like "you shouldn't have"? Do we allow joy and closeness to take over, for both the giver and as the receiver?
So far in my Advent journey this year I have been reading, thinking, and praying about my own preparation for Christ's birth anew. Today I felt invited by God to seriously prepare to receive. And I realized (well actually I've known this for a long time) that I hold something that prevents me from fully receiving all He has for me. It was revealed to me as an image through prayer, and I was invited to surrender it. So I did. And I did again. Five times I surrendered that which was blocking me from receiving. At last when it was totally surrendered, I had an image of my empty hands. I thought, "good! I'm ready to receive!"
However, it seems it is not yet time for me to receive. Instead I had the sense that God has me in training, in a place of waiting with clean, empty hands. He has promised me protection, a guard and a friend to keep me strong in this period of waiting. I may pick up again what I had surrendered, but he's right there for me to hand it over again.
This heightens my anticipation. I wonder what I will learn during this waiting period. I wonder what remaining in a posture of surrender and waiting will lead to. I want to be ready to receive, to really receive.