I woke up in chaos today. The details of family, home and work life were piled up on top of each other, overlapping in ways that needed immediate untangling. My usually organized and ordered approach to the day fell apart before the coffee finished brewing. I zoomed through the first hour of the day, wondering what I could eliminate or rearrange so that those things that had to get done would, and those things that could wait, could.
So this is what I did. I sat. I opened myself to God's presence in this crazy day that won't have enough hours. I did not get promises. I cannot even particularly say I'm feeling calm and ready to face whatever else might come my way today, but I agree with God that I am in his presence today. I might still forget things on my to do list. I might still feel rushed or overbooked. I don't expect God to "fix" any of that, but I can expect him to be with me.